This is my blog, and I will enjoy saying things to you to create education and wonderment. Itunes: RSS: RSS, yes please


Today's the day

No, it's not my birthday, though tat does come around once a year. It's Sherman's Video Extravanaganza day! Go to this site: Youtube.come, and see everything the internet has to offer.

And you know what that is, friends? It's filth. There is a lot of garbage coming out of there with men dressed as women and friends killing friends. I watched every video on there, and I can tell you there's nothign worthwhile I couldnt' get by sticking my head in a toilet. Now, I know you say your internet is filled with knowledge, and technology and society and all that, but I give you a cat running around with a box on his head and say, now what's the use in that? Show me a cat ggiving a speech on ethics and I'll pay you a dollar for the priveledgE!

Now everytime I turn on the internet I go right to this you tube and find all sorts of new things, and even my friends online are not really friends - they don't recognize me by name or post comments to my blog or enter my music contest for my poidcast, and I'm left thinking where the real friends are? What's the udse of the internet if you can't make real friends?

Peace be with you, (internet) friends,


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