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The Spring Int o SUmmer

There is a time each year, friends, when Spring turns to summer, and that time has passed this year, and it's damn hot in my little one bedroom apartmetn. The sheets stick to my legs, and what can I do but reach up to turn on the fan? Though that causes its own problems, as that hot air blows cold on my face and gives me the sdniffles something fierce. Now, there's something I don't understand, if you can tell me, why does air moving faster become cold? You'd think air, moving at the speed of fan, would be hot because of all that energy behind it. Pleaes, folks, share with me your wikipedia knowledge and help a feller out.

Also, why do I even bother with that fan when it's not even working except to give me a cold? As a little joke, "It's supposed to make me cold, not giveme one." Thanks, friedns, for listening to my little diatrive.


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