This is my blog, and I will enjoy saying things to you to create education and wonderment. Itunes: RSS: RSS, yes please


Art is Art is Art

Found this the other day whilst doing a vanity search on yours truly, (*Sherman_). It's a performance piece, a lo a nd behold it's not sjust some guy in his basemt, but he's doing it live! This is art, folks,a dn they saw fit to include me. Thank you heaveans, someone is listening, and they're an artiste to boot!



I'm Digging It

I'm on Digg now, folks, and thanks to Serth for setting up my new Digss. It's pleasant there, pleasantly blue, and hipefully we'll bring in some new readers and followers to the site! This will be quite a ride - this will be quite a ride as we take off to soar with more followers than ever before! Listen well to what I say, for I have the internet to speak to.



The Lonely Bar, By SDHerman Oak

Got a good'n for you, friedns, as I share chapters two and three of my novel, for now entitled" Lonleiness at a Dive Bar" or "Divin' for Pearls" if the character of the female turns out to be named Pearl, which she might!!!!

Thanks for listening, (and for "READING.")



Parties and Why I Hate My Neighbors Episoide 11

So here's the deal: I have a phone conversation RECORDED on this podcast, whereing my neighbor proceeds to tell me "F You, Sherman." In not som many words.

Thank you,


P.S. Also I'm on a roll with these podcasts. They come flying out of me like Cthulhu from his slumber, so listen well, and listen fast! LOOKOUT!

Found aobook

Found a book today that had inside it a treaseure: pages. You see, on those pages were words,a nd I'm not talkin gcurse words, I'm talking honest to goodness words about people'
s lives, their stories, their likes and their disinterests. Pick up a book today, on national Sherman Say's day. Today we bring you the magic of libraries, so go out there and get one today. It'll do you good.


So You THink You can Dance

Is there anytone out there that knows why we sit in front of a box of flashing lights andl isten to ipods of music and think ourselves fulfilled/ I rmemeber when the best thing in the world was sitting down next to your fathrer's cigar and watching those fireworks go up in the sky, the smell of ozone right up into your brain you'd get when you inhaled those sparklers, not the part that's the physuical part, but those lights. Oh, those lights. I wonder when we goi outside on this 4th if we'll even remember to turn off the bube tube. Is there a vision in the sky, tell me, that you vcould get on that box? I think not. I think what you'd end up with is a whole lot o f electronic madness. Look into that set and see what, not your soul, but a whole jumble of mess, right there on your TV screen. These things are tearing us up, by letting us down. I watched a program just the other day that had that THkn we can Dance nonsense on it, and I didn't know these celevrities, I just came to watch something with a story, and DANCING WHERE"s the STORY IN THAT? CAn't these celebrtities wake up and realise no one's listening to their blog posts? Wake, up SHerman.

Podcast 10: The Podcast

New podcast up, about a rather intimate subject. No, I did not have sex with a woman, I jsut went on a date and had a delightful time, that is a delightfully seuctive encoutner.