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What's it Take to Make and Internet Startup


Writing to you from my home base, where poinderings have been flitting through my mind. What can I offer to the world is what I'm thinking? How may my taletns be shared with all of you, out there?

My idea is this: Talentshare. Here's the logo: Talentshare.

What it is is people go online to this internet site and post their talent. Mine, for instance, could be "plant maintenance," or on a good day, "baking." Now mind you, you'd have a slider that would show your level of talent, so you could say, "I'm an excellent tender of plants," but maybe "My talent for baking is middling at most." Then, other people looking for that talent would find you and use your talent for their project. So different people with different taletns would be put together into "Talent Groups." Here's the logo I came up with for that: Talentgroups. The idea is that then people from that Talentgroup, at the end of the project, would then rate the others' talent levels in their group, using that slider (maybe the "Talentslider?") So that way you'd have your own measure of your own talent, and a third-party measurement, as well.

So, folks, what's the next step, I asK? Where'es the venture capitalist funding that'll take on this idea of mine? I think it's a great idea, and I'd like to hear your feedback.

Thanks be to you all,

"The Idea Man"

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